Master Inline Hockey World Association
Team Australia Flatters, but will they Deceive?

Team Australia Flatters, but will they Deceive?

Team Australia Flatters, but will they Deceive?  Date: a Categories: Official training has begun here in Jaca, at the 2024 World Cup of Inline Hockey for Masters Veterans and Legends. One team that has stood the test of time, having not missed one of the 13 events...
Draft Schedule now up for review!

Draft Schedule now up for review!

Draft Schedule now up for review!  Date: a Categories: MIHWA is delighted to announce the release of the first DRAFT of our proposed schedule for 2024! The team have been working hard behind the scenes, dealing with uncertainty of teams attendance, and working out...
Report from Rio… Brazil are bringing their best!

Report from Rio… Brazil are bringing their best!

Report from Rio… Brazil are bringing their best!  Date: a Categories: From the mists of Iguazu falls, to the sands of the Copacabana, and right up to the very mouth of the Amazon, Brazil is a vast country filled with natural beauty. But it is the natural talent that...
African nations represented on return in 2021

African nations represented on return in 2021

African nations represented on return in 2021  Date: a Categories: A long awaited completion of a full globe of nations may be about to occur within MIHWA, as early discussions are taking place to welcome the African continent to our Inline family.  Plans to include...