A Message from the President

Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the 2024 MIHWA World Cup! Welcome to Spain, to the Aragon Region, to the beautiful City of Jaca. It will be a very special 2024 edition, with many new features and surprises and a mix of elements between past and present, all in order to guarantee a unique and unforgettable event. In the last year our Association has grown with the arrival of Christian Mader and Micheal Enright, who came to support the existing members of the MIHWA executive, composed of Pete Wirt and Duane Voss, making this a truly international organisation, with representation from every corner of the globe. The work of our team has been exemplary, and as a result today I can assure you that MIHWA and our event have come of age, to produce a truly unique and special World Cup.
Thank you Jaca, thanks to your city, your administration and the many institutions for hosting us and helping us for this fantastic edition. My esteemed thoughts go to admire and appreciate the great volunteer work done with passion and without complaint or expectation by the members of the MIHWA, to all the volunteers, players, national organisation staff, referees and all those people who work behind the scenes and who allow us to achieve our beloved dream:
I thank our technical and logistical partners, always available and present. I thank World Skate and PGKA for the wonderful collaboration. As President of MIHWA, I would like to thank you for the trust and affection that you have always shown and given to me over these years. In this special year, we have created a special welcome for all participants, the MIHWA Hall of Fame, where I wanted share our memories and history since the begining of the movement in 2010, right up to the present. Thanks to Fabiola and all the Media team for their help in realizing this project.
I always have many dreams in my head, I always have many desires, which give me reason to live, but we all have one thing in common: being able to see hockey, sport, friendship, brotherhood triumph in the XIII Masters VI Veterans III Legends WORLD CUP
I wish you all the best on your journey to Espana, I await to warmly greet you in Jaca!!!!!