MIHWA are tremendously proud to welcome Marlen Wanger to our Executive Committee starting from today, International Women’s Day. She will take a leading role in developing the women’s participation in our international competition, and work alongside the existing committee to shape Masters +++ Inline Hockey well into the future. Here’s Marlen in her own words:
“Ha sido un orgullo que MIHWA contara conmigo para este proyecto, y me pusieran como referente de todas las mujeres del hockey en linea. He aceptado, porque es un proyecto que me motiva para crecer como persona, porque me apasiona este deporte, y porque quiero que el hockey femenino
El hockey es importante para mí porque me hace sentir bien cuando juego, me da vida, es algo que llevo dentro desde los 7 años, y aún habiendo parado dos años por haber sido madre, jamas he perdido es chispa, esas ganas de mejorar y seguir jugando día tras día. Me apasiona, no podría vivir sin él.
La meta con MIHWA es clara, ayudar a crecer, que se conozca más y aportar todo lo que tengo para poder conseguirlo. No dejar que las mujeres dejen este deporte, que se motiven para seguir jugando, y así poder crecer año tras año. Que se establezca la MIHWA femenina como referente para crear una continuidad, a todas esas chicas y mujeres que les apasiona este deporte y quieren seguir compitiendo a alto nivel”.
“It has been an honor that MIHWA counted on me for this project, and that they put me as a reference for all the women in inline hockey. I accepted, because it is a project that motivates me to grow as a person, because I am passionate about this sport, and because I want women’s hockey. Hockey is important to me because it makes me feel good when I play, it gives me life, it is something that I have had inside me since I was 7 years old, and even though I stopped for two years because I became a mother, I have never lost that spark, that desire to improve and continue playing day after day. I am passionate about it, I could not live without it.
The goal with MIHWA is clear, to help grow, to make it more known and to contribute everything I have to be able to achieve it. Not to let women leave this sport, to motivate them to continue playing, and thus be able to grow year after year. To establish the women’s MIHWA as a reference to create continuity, for all those girls and women who are passionate about this sport and want to continue competing at a high level”.