MIHWA is delighted to announce the release of the first DRAFT of our proposed schedule for 2024!
The team have been working hard behind the scenes, dealing with uncertainty of teams attendance, and working out the most appropriate placement for pools etc, given the odd number of teams in some pools, and all the usual hurdles in tournament planning. This version, now up on HOCKEYSYTE (access straight from the MIHWA website, just click the big red “TOURNAMENT CENTRE” square and it takes you right there). is a first draft, which we hope is mostly complete.
There is some limited room for considerations, so if you see a significant error, please let us know (ideally just one person from each nation, please!) and where it is possible, we can try and accommodate your request. We obviously can not make every request happen, but where we can, with minimal disruption we will try. We are delighted to have Tracey Hocutt, the creator of HOCKEYSYTE with us in Jaca to troubleshoot this year, so please encourage everyone in your team, and all your fans and supporters back at home to use the link straight from MIHWA.ORG to keep track of EVERY player, goal, point, score, standing and more throughout the whole tournament! Of course, if you have included player emails in the team roster, each player can personalise their avatar, profile and really make this program work for us. The more information you can add, the better job I can try and do to present our sport to the world, so get stuck in, and I will see you soon in the Arena… Jaca is Calling!