Date: 20 February 2023
Categories: Support

For the French, and their Inline Hockey organisation, only one word comes first above all others…. Brotherhood. But the second word that always follows, is VICTORY! So says one of the legendary originators of this “old Stars” movement, and a dignitary within Masters Inline, Alain Blanchet. Alain has been a figurehead for masters Inline Hockey from the very beginning, back in 2010 at our first event, and even before, when the idea first occurred to him many years ago. Now here we are, one of the great Inline Hockey events in the world, and one that team France can rightfully claim to dominate. They have taken the Gold for the last 3 tournaments in the Masters division, and have 5 overall wins. Only the mighty Czech team can claim to greater achievement, and the French are on the ascendancy. SACOS (Soulte d’Animation de la Confrérie Old Star) are an organisation that works as one unit, together, in order to achieve their success. They refer to themselves as the “Brotherhood” and it is this, they claim, as the secret to their success. Operating since 2003 as an organisation, they hold anual tournaments in order to play, enjoy the game, and combine this atmosphere with selection and trials for each division. Team France have been a part of the Masters World Cup from the very beginning, and are always a strong presence at every event through the years. This year, they are holding their training camp, involving some 84 players, over the March weekend 10th, 11th and 12th. Legends of the French inline game, such as William “le Rocket” Richard, and Laurenzo Spinetti will be making selections, as well as inspiring on their brothers in arms, marching on towards victory, much like their National Anthem calls them to do, ringing out during almost every final over the years. Also invited to this years selection process are teams from Belgium, Epernay and a local top club from Reims, where the tournament is being held. For Alain, the goal is simple: “for the three categories, our objective is VICTORY”. And in the case of this organisation, that is always a genuine possibility. They come into the competition as favourites in the Masters division, but have not yet sealed the top prize at the other levels. There, The Czechs have dominated totally, but with other teams now coming onto this competition, the base is ever widening. This raises the peak level, and puts pressure on the top teams to hold on to their positions. Last year, the Germans provided a spectacular performance in confirming their place in the finals, and other teams who have been developing consistently, like team GB, Slovakia, Slovenia and Italy, all can interrupt Alain’s brotherhood and their dreams. For now, SACOS are happy enough to enjoy their anual gathering, and enjoy the preparations for the World Cup. But for them to hold on to Gold at Masters, and get ahold of top spot in the other divisions, they will need to bring the very best tha SACOS has to offer. If they do, be prepared to be amazed at the level these “Old Stars” bring to the Arena. Alain is excited: “We can not wait to see all the nations in Brunico”. The stage is set for another brilliant tournament. Will les Bleus be able to march on to victory again? time will tell, but whatever the outcome, the brotherhood of Old Stars is ready, and preparing! A bientot!
P Wirt